Calories and Weight Loss

People with diabetes need to work harder to balance the foods they eat with their blood glucose levels. You'll need to make sure that your calorie and carbohydrate intake is balanced with your medication and physical activity.

Q Drinking one can of Coca-Cola per day for one month is the same as consuming how much sugar?

Drinking just 1 can of soda per day for a month (or 30 cans) is like consuming a 5lb bag of sugar! So, eliminate soda or other sugary drinks from your diet and you'll cut out lots of sugar and calories.


Drinking just 1 can of soda per day for a month (or 30 cans) is like consuming a 5lb bag of sugar! So, eliminate soda or other sugary drinks from your diet and you'll cut out lots of sugar and calories.

Did you know?

  1. Carbohydrates and proteins provide about the same amount of energy - 4 calories per gram.
  2. Fats provide more than twice that amount - 9 calories per gram.

Any food that your body doesn't use as energy is stored as fat. So, the trick is to balance the total number of calories you take in with the total number you burn each day.

Proteins and carbohydrates give you fewer calories per bite than high-fat foods. So, if you are trying to lose weight, cut down on fats. A diet high in saturated fat can also put you at greater risk for developing heart disease and certain cancers.

This information is a summary from the "Complete Guide to Diabetes" and is provided with the permission of the American Diabetes Association.

It is a comprehensive book and recommended by the American Diabetes Association for those people that want to learn more about diabetes.

Click on the image to go to the American Diabetes Association bookstore.

Note: Care4life has no commercial interest in any of the books or resources it recommends.