Concerns for Men

People with diabetes must keep their blood glucose in recommended ranges to help prevent complications. Men with diabetes have other health concerns they must look out for.

Q True or False? Diabetes can cause Erectile Dysfunction (ED).

In fact, the most common sexual side effect in men with diabetes is Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Erectile Dysfunction can also occur from illegal drugs (marijuana); emotional problems (depression); medication; injury; prostate surgery; and radiation therapy.


In fact, the most common sexual side effect in men with diabetes is Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Erectile Dysfunction can also occur from illegal drugs (marijuana); emotional problems (depression); medication; injury; prostate surgery; and radiation therapy.

In diabetes, certain medications may be needed to treat or prevent diabetes complications. Some of these medications may cause erection problems. Don't be afraid to ask your health care team if you are experiencing problems. There are solutions that can help!

For those who have tried Viagra without success, ED may be due to low testosterone level (also known as Low "T").

Testosterone is a hormone that promotes hair growth, muscle development, bone health, sperm production, and helps maintain a healthy sexual appetite. Men with diabetes are more likely to have Low T compared to other men.

Those with Low T may experience:

  • Decreased sexdrive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Depression
  • Fatigue

Your doctor will give you a simple blood test to find out if Low "T" is the cause. If your level is below normal, there are several effective treatments that your doctor may suggest, like gels, patches, injections, or oral tablets.

Speak up if you are experiencing problems. Don't be shy - your healthcare provider is there to help you. You'll be glad you asked!

This information was reproduced from the "Sex and Diabetes" with the permission of the American Diabetes Association.

It is a comprehensive book and recommended by the American Diabetes Association for people to learn best care and treatment options for sexual problems.

Click on the image to go to the American Diabetes Association bookstore.

Note: Care4life has no commercial interest in any of the books or resources it recommends.